Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sweet Times with Sweet Kids!

I LOVE my Sweet Kids....

I have had so much fun hanging out with them this summer!!  

I hate thinking about the fact that it's already half over.  Before we know it, we'll be back to early mornings, crazy schedules and homework. However, in the mean time, I'm going to savor every minute I have to be with these sweet kids of mine 24/7!! 

We still have a lot of fun in store.  A family trip to visit Yellowstone National Park and family in Utah.  A day at the OC Fair. More time at friends pools. The beach. Eating bowls of ice cream.  Consuming countless Otter Pops.  Doing crafts. But best of all, hanging out in our pj's all day, doing absolutely nothing!

Eric, Megan and Katie have brought several smiles to my face since summer started. They say and do the cutest things all day~thankfully I haven't missed a thing. 

I am truly grateful I get to be home with them daily. Sharing this sweet summer with them. Really, I'd have it no other way.

Because ultimately we are creating memories I know we all will cherish. Forever.

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