Children look up to their Fathers.

And children share cupcakes with their dad on Father's Day. 'Cause Dads DIG Cupcakes.
Yesterday was Father's Day. It's a special day for us. To show and express to our dads just how much we love and appreciate them.
I took this beautiful photo of Gary yesterday. Opening his Father's Day gift with Katie by his side. It's precious. I love the warm glow on their faces. Looking at this picture makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Happy.
I have a wonderful dad. He and I are similar in many ways. For one, he and I have very similar handwriting. It's kinda funny. He writes like an architect. Maybe that's because he used to be a draftsman and designed both commercial and government airplanes. I love my dad and appreciate all he has taught me in life.
The man I married, is an amazingly wonderful father. He loves his children.

And enjoys taking each of them on "daddy dates"~
Sometimes it's to the movies.
Sometimes it's hiking and looking for reptiles.
Sometimes they go out to eat together somewhere special.
Sometimes they go camping.
Sometimes they go get ice cream.
Sometimes they go shopping for fun stuff.
He also spends quality time with them at home~
Playing games.
Playing with our dog Buddy or taking him for a walk together.
Playing basketball.
Playing outside.
Making everyone laugh.
Watching movies together.
Listening to music together.
Or playing his guitar.
And teaching his children how to play an instrument.
Gary not only values his one on one time with his 3 pride and joys, he values family time. He has declared Fridays as "Friday Family Fun Night". That's when we eat take-out and do something fun. Usually the fun lasts the entire weekend as we always seem to find some exciting adventure for the family to enjoy together.
When Fall rolls around, you can find Gary coaching our kids soccer teams. And he is one of the best AYSO Coaches.
His teams always go to the finals. And Gary's players love having him as their coach.
Gary works hard everyday and sacrifices so much for our family. He truly takes incredible care of us and wants the best for his family. The one thing he desires the most for us is for everyone to be happy. And believe me. We are. Life is good. And totally sweet.
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