As the girls and I sat in the movie theater patiently waiting for the movie to start, a commercial came on that immediately grabbed my attention and left me with goosebumps! The NDSS {National Down Syndrome Society} produced a beautiful commercial advertising October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month. It also encourages people ALL over this fine country to participate in a local Buddy Walk. Every year our family walks at the Angel Stadium with the OC Down Syndrome Society.
This commercial brought a smile to my face and made my heart feel all happy inside! Funny thing is, I saw it shortly after I wrote my last post, "A Mother on a Sweet Mission". Ever since Megan was born, I have had nothing but hope for her and all those living with Down syndrome! Hope, that more attention and opportunities would be given to individuals living with Trisomy-21. I have always felt that they get looked over. That few people really truly care about them. And that they, putting it quite bluntly, are often considered by others in society as nothing more than mentally retarded citizens who have very little to contribute. Of course, I know first hand that that is FAR from the truth & is NOT the case in any way, shape or form! It's actually quite the opposite!
I am sure thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people saw this commercial over the weekend as they sat waiting, like we did for our movie to start! Thank you to the NDSS for making such a beautiful commercial! Thank you for being a "voice" for us parents who are our children's advocates everyday. Thank you Regal Entertainment for broadcasting this commercial to all of your movie-goers!! Thank you to the celebrities who took time out of their busy schedules to be a part of such a great commercial and cause! Your support is more than appreciated not only by us, but by our children. It means more to us and them than you could ever know or even imagine! And thank you for giving all those living with Down syndrome a chance at life and for believing in them! There simply needs to be more commercials aired regularly~advertising their greatness!!
For more information on a Buddy Walk near you, please visit www.ndss.org
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